The Truth About SHA and what needs to change
Dr Brian Lishenga, a medical physiologist, family physician, and Chairman of the…
No payments, no progress: SHA’s biggest challenge
Dr Brian Lishenga, a medical physiologist, family physician, and Chairman of the…
NHIF fraud: One patient had over 600 Caesarean-Section deliveries
The 2023 Auditor General’s Report also reveal that NHIF paid 10, 000…
Frequently asked questions about SHA
Social Health Authority Chairperson Dr Abdi Mohamed answers some Frequently Asked Questions…
Kenya’s first health insurance NHIF wasn’t for everyone
1890 - Britain officially moves to East Africa with Sir William Mackinnon’s…
NHIF: A sick legacy of corruption, inflated tenders, dubious loans
The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) whose 60-plus decade run comes to…
President Moi had Nyayo Wards, will Ruto rename SHA ‘Rutocare’?
Given potential for backlash in the wake of Gen Z-led demos demanding…
Breaking Down SHA, Chairman Dr Abdi Mohamed Explains All
Get a sneak peek into the future of healthcare in Kenya with…
SHA: Will it create disruption in healthcare, end fraud, kill ghost patients?
Every hospital is mandated to provide emergency medical care even without deposit…
Silence in Court: SHA was beset by myriad legal battles, some still pending
By Faith Wanjiku The Social Health Insurance Act (SHIA), the Digital Health…